
Olds Ambassador Trumpet by F.E. Olds Los Angeles Make, Made after WWII, prior to 1954 when the company moved to Fullerton.  This model is considered to be the gold standard in vintage student line trumpets.  There is not much difference in material or build quality between this student model and their top pro models.  Many pro trumpet players that I know today (old timers) started on this exact model.  This one is all original parts and lacquer and is in perfect playing condition, excellent valve action and compression, no valve plating loss.  All of the slides move proper as well.  There is considerable lacquer wear, yet is all original.  If a new trumpet player is looking for a vintage economic horn that plays proper, this is it.  However, if you are looking for something shiny and new, this is not for you.  Comes with case and mouthpiece.

In stock for immediate delivery.