
King 6B Duo Gravis Bass Trombone Early 1970's Eastlake, OH make.  This is the real McCoy.  This one has had a complete resotoration.  Gorgeous new lacquer, applied perfectly, it's really diffiuclt to tell that it's new lacquer becuase the horn is so gorgeous.  But, the best part is that it plays perfectly and has a great slide.  The valve section now has a split trigger system, which has improved ergonomics and easier playability.  It's still a dependent bass.  What this means is the the air is only flowing through both valves when both triggers are pulled.  The second valve on it's own does not engage unless the main valve is also in. Low C and B roars like a lion.  This is an ideal all around bass for just about everything. Is perfect for a big band where other guys are playing 2B's 3B's.  I've always wondered what it would be like to play in a big band with lead guy on a 2B, second on 3B, third on 4B, bass on Duo Gravis 6B.  But, I'm a trombone geek and I just think that way.  This one includes a new Protec iPac Bass Case.    In-stock for immediate delivery.