King 4BF Sonorous Silversonic 1970's Make Sterling Silver SN 490308. Has 8.5" Sterling Silver Bell, gold plated inner bell, large bore .547 tenor nickel silver slide for large shank mouthpiece. Is full symphonic sized. Classic model from the 70's. Is a gorgeous horn. Bell is in perfect condition, never damaged. The handslide is ok, has smooth inner tube plating wear but not too bad. We have definitely seen much worse here. Would fit right in with any symphonic band or orchestra today. Sterling silver bells require just a little more energy in, but the output results in a tremendous amount of energy out. To put cost into perspective, a 3B legend straight tenor in sterling silver no F attachment, sells new today for $4800 and it doesn't even gold plated inner bell. They don't make this model any longer, but if they did it would be in the 6K range with sterling sliver bell. This is an attractive price on this horn.
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